Dream & Build Success — love RSS

Revamp to Create

It's been a quiet week here on gservicesdesign.com but a busy one at G. Services & Design HQ. This week it was time for G. Services & Design to undergo a hardware refresh. In order to maximize productivity and produce more great content for your viewing pleasure, I invested in a launching some fabulous products, Pre-Ordered the new iPhone, and a fresh all-in-one printer. Investing in new technology and tools is critical to business. These upgrades will take my blog editing and processing time from 4 hours down to 90 minutes. Additionally, I'll be able to run the Adobe design suite while exporting footage, which wasn't possible with my vintage Software. It's your incredible and humbling support of G. Services & Design...

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Dreams Do Happen

As I look over my next month’s plans I have asked God to be with me and to order my steps. As a woman of faith I truly believe all things are possible to them that believe. (Luke 1:37) It’s so crazy how God can set our hearts afire with his passion. You may wonder what type of blog is this. I wanted to share a few things that keep me grounded and humble to do God’s will. First and foremost, I will always believe that as long as we live with the candid ability to trust the small still voice of our angelical host we cannot fail. For me as an athlete failure was never an option. So why...

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Season of Gratitude

  Hello Lovely Friends! I wanted to speak to you today about gratitude. I feel such an overwhelming sense of thankfulness of how the alignment of Gods will has divinely been set up. Ephesians 5:20 (NIV) says we should always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many times we can often feel like we have expressed our gratitude for the things of destiny being in the perfect order. I want to challenge you to practice giving genuine gratitude to the next 21 days. I have been blessed to appreciate the small things in life. I can remember a time where I would allow the small things to drag me down....

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Lights, Camera, Faith.... Action

Hello beautiful people! The thought occurred to me today if there is anyone else that loves glitter and dreams as much as me. Are you a pretty girl that prays at dawn? Or a stylish man that prays at dusk? When we walk in the boldness that God created us to be we can do anything. I mean, let’s just think about it… the scripture itself says James 2:14-17 (MSG) Dear friends, do you think you’ll get anywhere in this if you learn all the right words but never do anything? Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved and say, “Good morning,...

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Hello world!

Welcome! I want to introduce you to the next level. Oh yes, this will be a great adventure for us... Let's take ownership of what you want. Embrace that feeling of desire and declare it! Don't turn your back on it and run from it. Our mind likes to play tricks on us and make us believe we are not deserving, but you have to take control and follow what your heart is asking for! Let's have fun, LaShanda

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